Ali Morris

30th November 2023

They never warn you about the troll on top of the bridge.

By Flora Blissett Tippity-tap, tippity-tap, Ella skipped along the path. “Oh no!”, a great river appeared before her. She couldn’t go round it, she couldn’t go […]
27th November 2023

The Bog and the Bothy

By Flora Blissett “Come on giiiiirls! We are the most amazing girls!” Amélie cries, right before she lunges, hip deep, into the bog. The rain cuts […]
24th November 2023

Swimming in the Rain

By Flora Blissett It’s 3.24pm and the feeling has finally returned to my toes. Ella’s nose has stopped running. Meike’s body temperature still has not returned. […]
20th November 2023

On Removing Ticks and Horses

By Flora Blissett The last few days have been action packed from start to finish. And that’s “action” as in “daily jobs which seem novel and […]
20th November 2023

Advertisement for Role of Chair – The Isle of Rum Community Trust

The Isle of Rum Community Trust are advertising for the role of a new Chair to lead the board and staff.
16th November 2023

Soufflé Sandwiches and Axe Throwing

By Flora Blissett A perfect combination for a lunch-break! Thanks to our resident French chef/decorator, Amélie, we had a leftover cheese soufflé from yesterday’s team dinner. […]
14th November 2023

There’s a dog called Kevin on Rum

By Flora Blissett That’s what I learn when trying to connect to the WiFi to write this blog. We’re sat at the dining table, looking out […]
25th April 2023

Opportunity to run the Isle of Rum shop

Applications for the post close on May 5, with Isle of Rum Community Trust, which advertised the position, hoping to fill the role as soon as […]
2nd September 2022

CalMac Summer 2023 timetable Survey

The Small Isles Community Council has been asked to contribute to the development of the CalMac summer timetable for 2023. This is to better undertand how […]